Fear Hunters

Title: Fear Hunters

Genre: Horror/Prank-Comedy

The Film:
In the Search of Fear is a fusion mix of found footage combined with scary pranks involving unsuspecting members of the public. The story begins with a group of friends, attending film school in London, receiving their final end of year project. The task set is to make a scary short film, the scarier the better! Realising that they do not really know what scares people, they decide to set up members of the public in ever-increasingly sinister pranks.

But whilst searching for fear, fear unexpectedly finds them…

Log Line: A group of friends attending film school want to make the scariest film ever made, by first experimenting on unsuspecting members of the public.


KEVIN and ANNISA, are on a foreign student exchange programme from Indonesia, studying film at The University of Westminster, London. The end of year project is to produce a scary short film. Along with their friends, ROBERT, KYLE and CLAIR, Kevin and Annisa want to make the scariest film ever made.

Realising that they do not truly know what scares people, they decide to play pranks on members of the public in an effort to research the roots of fear. Placing adverts in publications, they ask for people to set up their friends in filmed pranks, with the emphasis on the scary. Before they know it they are overrun with offers from people to set up their friends, the scarier the better!

With everything going to plan, they now sit down to discuss what would be the scariest things they could do to their unsuspecting prey. Taking their influence from horror movies, they choose five people for the pranks to be played on over a long weekend in Manchester.